R.S. R.S.

Gender Bias, Compulsory Conformity,and a Duty to be Ungovernable in Latinx and Chicana Art

The cult of “true womanhood,” is colloquially understood as a woman in the role of the terminal caretaker and ultimate mother, is seen as the end-all for a woman of virtuous means. To shun any pursuit of self-satisfaction and happiness outside of a husband and family is considered against the values of a desirable woman. This idyllic view of what it means to be a woman, constructed by patriarchal systems to control the narrative of women, can be seen throughout the art world in excess and perpetuates an essentialist view of women. Alma López, in her work, uses these idyllic cultural narratives heavily drenched in patriarchy and machismo to reclaim, reassess, and rediscover her connection with her femininity and form a relationship with her spirituality outside of hegemony.

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